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Couple Relationship Skills - Full Course
Introduction and Materials
Downloadable Answer Sheet
Introduction Video (2:23)
Why This Course Video (2:12)
Perks Of Purchasing This Course Video (1:39)
Intro Video 1 (1:46)
Assignment 1: Create a family calendar and schedule your 11 sessions!
Intro Video 2 (0:50)
Assignment 2: Take your Prepare-Enrich Assessment
Course Goals Video (2:08)
Goals of taking this course:)
Prepare-Enrich Assessment Link
Session 1 - Strength and Growth Areas
Couple's Workbook
Session 1 Intro Video (1:01)
Assignment 1: Write your goal for this course down.
Session 1 Video 1 (1:44)
SYMBIS Video 1 (19:00)
Session 1 Video 2 (1:03)
Assignment 2: SYMBIS WB page 15-20
Session 1 Video 3 (1:42)
Assignment 3 - PE WB Pg 6 Sharing Strength & Growth Areas
Downloadable PE WB Pg 6 Sharing Strength & Growth Areas
Session 1 Video 4 (0:44)
Assignment 4: Answer the following questions.
Session 1 Video 5 (0:33)
Session 2 - SCOPE Personality
Session 2 Intro Video (3:33)
Assignment 1: Review your Scope Personality Results Couple Report pg 3-5
Assignment 2: PE WB PG 33 Scope Out Your Personality
Downloadable PE WB page 33 Scope Out Your Personality
Assignment 3: Answer the questions
Session 2 Video 1 (1:24)
Assignment 4: Answer the following questions
Session 3 - Personal Stress Profile
Session 3 Intro Video (2:16)
Assignment 1: Review Page 6 of the couple’s report
Session 3 Video 1 (1:19)
Assignment 2: PE WB pg 10 Personal Stress Profile
Downloadable PE WB pg 10 Personal Stress Profile
Session 3 Video 2 (1:51)
Assignment 3: Pg 13 in PE WB
Downloadable PE WB pg 13
Assignment 4: Answer the following questions
Bonus/Optional PE WB Balancing Your Priorities page 11
Bonus/Optional PE WB Wedding Stress page 12
Bonus/Optional SYMBID WB Adjusting To Things Beyond Your Control page 49 Exercise 12
Session 4 - Communication: Assertiveness & Active Listening
Session 4 video Intro (1:16)
Assignment 1: Answer the following questions
Session 4 Video 1 (5:44)
Assignment 2: Review Couples report page 7 Relationship Dynamics
Session 4 video 2 (1:09)
Assignment 3: Review your Couple's Report page 8 Communication
Session 4 Video 3 (1:47)
Assignment 4: PE WB PG 8 Creating a Wish List
Downloadable PE WB page 8
Session 4 Video 4 (1:27)
Assignment 5: Answer the following questions
Bonus/Optional PE WB page 9 Daily Dialogue and Daily Compliments
Bonus/Optional SYMBIS WB page 51 Exercise 13 How well do you communicate
Bonus/Optional SYMBIS WB page 54 Exercise 14 The daily temperature reading
Bonus/Optional SYMBIS WB page 56 Exercise 15 I can hear clearly now
Session 5 - The Flag Page
Session 5 Intro video (1:34)
Mark Gungor Flag Page Video
Session 5 Video 1 (3:47)
Assignment 1: Flag Page
Session 5 Video 2 (0:36)
Video of Mark Gungor explaining results (23:39)
Session 6 - Conflict Resolution
Session 6 Intro Video (0:53)
Assignment 1: Answer the following questions
Session 6 Video 1 (2:05)
Assignment 2: Review couples report page 9 Conflict Resolution
Session 6 Video 2 (0:49)
Assignment 3: SYMBIS WB page 63 Hot Topics
Session 6 Video 3 (1:02)
Assignment 4: PE WB page 13 - 10 Steps to resolving conflict
Downloadable PE WB page 13 - 10 Steps to resolving conflict
Session 6 Video 4 (1:14)
Assignment 5: Answer the following questions
Session 6 Video 5 (4:05)
Bonus/Optional - PE WB page 14 How to take a time out
Bonus/Optional - PE WB page 15 Seeking & Granting Forgiveness
Bonus/Optional - SYMBIS WB page 75 Exercise 20 Mind Reading
Bonus/Optional - SYMBIS WB page 77 Exercise 21 Sharing Withholds
Session 7 Financial Management
Session 7 Intro video (1:13)
Assignment 1: Answer the following questions
Session 7 Video 1 (5:20)
Assignment 2: SYMBIS WB pages 65-68 Exercise 19 Money talks and so can we
Session 7 Video 2 (0:46)
Assignment 3: PE WB PG 17 Meaning of money
Downloadable PE WB page 17 Meaning of money
Session 7 Video 3 (0:40)
Assignment 4: Review results page 9 of your couple report
Session 7 Video 4 (1:01)
Assignment 5: PE WB pages 18 & 19 Financial Management
Downloadable PE WB Page 18 Financial Management
Downloadable PE WB Page 19
Session 7 Video 5 (3:04)
Assignment 6: PE WB page 20 Importance of financial goals
Downloadable PE WB page 20 Importance of financial goals
Assignment 7: Create a budget- resources PE WB PG 21, SYMBIS WB PG 69-73, or Every Dollar App.
Session 8 - Spiritual Beliefs
Session 8 intro video (0:48)
Assignment 1: PE WB page 25 Your spiritual journey
Downloadable PE WB page 25 Your spiritual journey
Assignment 2: Answer the following questions
Session 8 Video 1 (1:20)
Assignment 3: SYMBIS WB pages 79-82 Your spiritual journey
Session 8 Video 2 (0:43)
Assignment 4: Review Results on page 11 of your couple's report
Assignment 5: Answer the following questions
Bonus/Optional SYMBIS WB page 83 Exercise 23 Improving your serve
Session 9 - Sexuality, Romance, & Affection
Session 9 Intro video (0:45)
Assignment 1: Answer the following questions
Assignment 2: Review Couples report page 12
Session 9 Video 1 (1:01)
Assignment 3: Answer 5 ways to express affection without sex
Session 9 Video 2 (0:34)
Video Mark Gungor - Be nice to the girl
Session 9 Video 3 (1:06)
Assignment 4: SYMBIS WB PG 61 Exercise 17 Your top 10 needs
Session 9 Video 4 (0:44)
Video Mark Gungor Keeping Points
Session 9 Video 5 (1:48)
Assignment 5: SYMBIS WB PG 31-37 Exercise 7 Getting your sex life off to a great start
Bonus/Optional SYMBIS WB PG 29 Exercise 6 Defining love
Session 10 - Closeness & Flexibility
Session 10 Intro video (4:31)
Assignment 1: Pause video and answer the following questions
Assignment 2: Review Couple and Family Map results in the couples report page _____
Assignment 3: PE WB PG 29 Mapping your relationship
Downloadable PE WB page 29 Mapping your relationship
Session 10 Video 1 (0:58)
Assignment 4: Answer and discuss the following questions
Session 10 Video 2 (3:08)
Bonus/Optional PE WB PG 31 Closeness Exercises
Bonus/Optional PE WB PG 32 Flexibility Exercises
Bonus/Optional SYMBIS WB PG 26-28 Assessing your self-image
Session 11
Session 11 intro video (1:08)
Symbis Video 2 (13:02)
Session 11 Video 1 (4:16)
Assignment 1: Answer the following questions
Session 11 Video 2 (0:57)
Assignment 2: PE WB page 34 Achieving your goals together
Downloadable PE WB page 34 Achieving your goals together
Session 11 Video 3 (1:57)
Assignment 3: Any final thoughts or questions?
Completion certificate and letter
Assignment 2: Answer the following questions
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